Fire Station/Paramedic

Central York Fire Services Headquarters Station 4-5
Owner: Town of Aurora
Consultant: Thomas Brown Architects Inc.
Date Completed: Completed August 2022
Project Value: $13 Million
Scope of Work: Award Winning Project. The project involved the construction of a new extra-height two-storey, 26,000 sg. ft. facility comprised of a Fire Station, Training Facility, and Administration Facility. On the Ground Floor and Mezzanine areas reside the Apparatus Bay, sized for three fire trucks, Living and Sleeping Quarters, Change Rooms, Fitness Room, and Training Areas. Above residing upon the publicly accessible Second Floor are the CYFS's administration staff area, complete with their own training/classroom areas. Designed to function as a post-disaster facility, the building features a robust steel frame and block construction, with a key structural element being a bridge truss system spanning the apparatus bay to support the headquarters on the second floor. A noteworthy addition to the facility is the implementation of a Vehicle Exhaust Extraction System, aimed at creating a healthier working environment for firefighters by removing harmful exhaust fumes. Complementing this is an Undercarriage Wash system, contributing to the maintenance and longevity of firefighting vehicles. Provisions were also made for electric vehicle charging.
Externally, the building's signage and color scheme distinguish it within its commercial surroundings, while internally, a deliberate play on compression and expansion enhances the spatial hierarchy and optimizes natural light.
All construction occurred on an in-fill site within an existing occupied commercial neighborhood. Construction hoarding and video security were provided throughout the project.
Peel Regional Paramedic Satellite Station
Mavis Satellite Station
Owner: The Regional Municipality of Peel
Consultant: Reinders + Rieders
Date Completed: August 2018
Project Value: $19 Million
Scope of Work: New construction of a 3150m2 facility to be occupied by Accessible Transportation (TransHelp) and Peel Regional Paramedic Services (PRPS) Satellite Station.
This project features the following; a Vehicle Repair Garage, Indoor Vehicle Storage and Staging Area, Automatic Vehicle Wash Bay, New Fuel Island, Green Roof, Water Harvesting System, Offices, Meeting Rooms, and Lunchrooms.
This project involved extensive contaminated soil removal and remediation.